Friday, May 13, 2011

Show Me the Tax-Payer's Money

Across our nation, from city to city, from State to State, from Post Office to Office of Homeland Security  - 90% of all government jobs (or rather jobs paying more than 100,000 dollars a year in wages and benefits  paid-for with tax-payers' monies) go towards a single group of people. Some citizens think to complain about welfare, some complain about 'welfare mothers'...; but the true cost, the durable cost, and the huge pension costs that expansion with the huge expansion of our national government from 2001 to 2007, comes in the form of  the expense (the social welfare) paid to the group our government calls "white males."
It is a normal tendency for people in power to populate and expand their fields of power who express themselves and think in way like those in power, have a like social and cultural agenda, thus expansion and concentrating the field of power is set to always be majority members to mirror the aesthetics and cosmetology of those holding majority power. This is a natural tendency and if we are to have a truly democratic society, a society that is inclusive and successful and durable, we must include all population at reflective levels, even group representation levels dictated by incomes and earned wages incomes. We have had an exclusive systems, when the majority of day to day governmental power is held in the hand of a less than 5% group 90% of who are members of the group “white males” being blindly supported and kept in place by the single largest population in the United States of America (with the exception of the fast expanding Latino population in regions of our nation) the working poor ‘whites’ (this includes the largest population getting welfare and Medicare benefits).
In places where people care about inclusion and representation* they are, even now, making right the great social wrong of social welfare in the form of high paying police and fire department jobs being given in the super-majority to only one small (and getting smaller ever day) group. And the $100,000 jobs that seem to go to members of their social/cultural fields of power (like city manager…., and School Superintendents), yes, that is right boys and girls, they are also filled almost to the point of exclusive membership with “white males.” As well, safeguarding this system of “white male” entitlement is the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, and Attorney Generals – also, so it seems populated with about 90% “white males.”
Baby-Boomers: hugely waged and even more Hugely Pension (with  benefits,) and in the condition of elected and appointed positions of power and authority are costing more in costs than the combined wages being paid to more than 60% of the people living in this Nation. Wages and benefits, by the way, no given to them by the citizens but rather taken and given to themselves - without votes or voters’ approval.   From senior staff at the Pentagon to the local seniors in the Police Forces and Fire Departments in San Diego California - it seems some 90% of the tax-payer funded jobs paying more than 100,000 dollars a years (with pensions paying just as much or more per year for the rest of their life) are given to members of this group "White Males."
What is perhaps more harmful to the overall cost of our government structure is the durable cost of the HUGE pension benefits member of this uber-high paid group receive – even after simply being elected into a ‘public’ office - once.  For in 2001, this group of over-paid and even more over-pensioned "white male" super-majority group, killed the Spending Limit Law and gave themselves a tax break. Or as Newt G. said it 'It is time to give the real Americans a tax, the people who make more than 100,000 dollars a year.' Yet even now, the cost to the tax-payers of these pension benefits alone, taken by this group for sometimes longer than they actually 'worked on the job,' puts these tax-payered pensioned government workers/politicos in the top 10% of all wage earners - even in their retirement.
And now, from city to city, from state to state, across our country, the tax-payers are paying (or trying to pay) the costs of keeping these uber-highly paid “white male” not only their salaries (for doing such a fine job running our country) but also for the rest of their long long life’s (for the white male is the longest lived male of any ethnic group.)  So, all you women, people of color, or those others of us who lack the social or political capital to be placed into one of the fully-funded and pensioned and benefited taxpayer supported jobs (with HUGE pensions and benefits), well, that 100,000,000 without medical care are told we are greedy and want something for nothing, those 170,000,000 of us who are unemployed or under-employed are told we are just too lazy to work, and that some 380,000,000 million Americans who make less than 32,000,000 dollars a year – well, we are just to uneducated to get a better paying job – they say. They, those how hold the 90% vast super-majority of all tax-payer funded jobs. And so, now we have cities and states, cutting funding to all social services, to schools, to libraries – simply in their attempts to pay the over-bloated pension benefits that the ‘cream’ going to the people who retired at rates of over 100,000 dollars a year – or rather – the ‘white male.’
There we have it, as global wage scales are set to equalize by about 2040, it is clear that even if the bottom 90% of wage earners in the United State were to be taxed at the total levels of their incomes, that those tax-payers will not be able to cover the basic costs of running our government and pay the HUGE pension and benefits of the government retired males in our shared society.

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